• TOV @ CES Showstoppers 2025

Hey gang, Valkor here. And we're kicking things off with our first TOV event of the new year. Ever since COVID, things have slowed down regarding attending/covering events. However, things have been picking up. So, expect to see more coverage as the year progresses. It's been a minute since I've checked in with Showstoppers. And I'm grateful for the opportunity to attend since I liked a few of the companies there. So, it's off to Las Vegas where I walk the floor and experience all that Showstoppers has to offer. Let's check it out!

Showstoppers 2025

Birdfy – When I read the list of companies in attendance, Birdfy stood out the most. I'm not an avid bird watcher, but I am a bird fan. And what Birdfy provides is an intelligent bird watcher that allows you to monitor, record, and more from any location. Additionally, I love that the Birdfy feeder uses solar power to maintain battery life, so you're never at a loss when it comes to your bird viewing. The feeder works with an app and has a host of features, along with cloud storage for your pics and videos. Click the Birdfy link to discover more about the company and the variety of feeders they offer.

Showstoppers 2025

Sensera – PerfectView is where we play on the more risque side of things. And no matter where I go, I'm always on the lookout for something fun/interesting to showcase. Enter the Sensera by femto. This wellness product is used to personalize and keep track of the female's bodily functions such as heart rate, muscle contractions, wetness, and dryness (all with the use of an app). The Sensera has multiple speeds and uses AI to assist in personalizing a woman's experience. Sensera will be available first quarter and comes with two pleasure pods and one for wellness.

Showstoppers 2025

Clicks – I thought the days of physical keyboards with smartphones were a thing of the past. But then Clicks pops up and shows us that there's still some life left in this feature. With the Clicks keyboard, you're able to save some screen space by removing the virtual keyboard, giving you more screen space to type/edit/whatever it is you need to do. Plus Clicks comes with a host of features such as creating shortcuts to certain apps and assigning keys to call folks in your contacts. Right now, the Clicks keyboard is available for iPhone 15 and 16. But I was told they're working on Android devices as well.

Showstoppers 2025

Jlab – Even though Jlab had a small table, they brought along some nice pieces of tech for your ears to enjoy. First up is their Epic Lux ANC Wireless Headphones. I was given the chance to test drive the headphones. And I'll admit, the sound quality was sweet with just the right amount of bass. And the noise canceling blocked much of the noise in the crowded hall. I also loved the swipe ability for controlling your media. I was impressed by how smoothly a swipe would change tracks. The Epic Lux also works alongside an app to customize your experience. Finally, we have the Go Pop True Wireless earphones. While I didn't get the chance to give them a run, they feature all-day playtime, active noise canceling, and multiple Bluetooth connections.

Showstoppers 2025

BIWIN – BIWIN was on hand showcasing an array of storage, DDR5 memory, and SSDs to give your gaming a boost. I was most impressed with the GP30 3.2 Portable memory, which can contain up to 8 terabytes of storage with a beautiful RGB lighting effect. The drive not only looks great, but it's compact and touts some amazing load speeds. I found BIWIN products had a wonderful gamer-focused design, and I'm sure Alacran would like using love to get his hands on all of them!

Showstoppers 2025

Aurzen – I've checked out and experienced plenty of projectors during my TOV run. But I was plenty impressed with Aurzen's ZIP foldable projector. With its three-fold capability, you get the projector together with the base, speakers, gimbal, and batteries. From the floor demo, the picture quality looked sweet. And it's touted as being able to project up to 80 inches. And lest we forget, once you're done using the ZIP projector, you can fold it and easily slip it into your pocket. The ZIP tri-fold projector is going through the Kickstarter phase. If you're interested, give the link a click to learn more about the ZIP, or to sign up to get one of your very own.

Showstoppers 2025