Hey gang, Valkor here. Here at TOV, we do our best to bring to light the best in tech, gaming, and movies. In recent years we’ve dabbled in beers, wines, and spirits because I feel we’d be doing a disservice to our demographic if we didn’t. In the past two years, I’ve had the pleasure to attend the NYC Craft Beer Festival. And on April 20 and 21, TOV will be on hand once again to showcase some of the finest craft beers found on the east coast. And this round looks to be bigger than previous events!
About NYC Craft Beer Festival (taken from the official website) – Since 2012, the New York City Craft Beer Festival has been delighting craft beer lovers and connoisseurs alike. The festival brings the best craft beers of the season to the forefront two times a year. The Spring Seasonal and the Fall Seasonal are carefully curated to showcase the greatest selection of craft beers available in the city.
This year’s event takes place in familiar territory - the Metropolitan Pavilion, where I spent a good chunk of my time attending Pepcom 2 – 3 times a year. Once inside you’re faced with a host of beer vendors that covers a wide variety of flavors from chocolate/coffee stout, a mango/apple cider, ports, and IPAs. There’s no way you can walk into this fest and not find something you’ll enjoy. General admission will allow you onto the main floor where you’ll be able to sample over 150 craft brews. On top of that, there’s entertainment and an assortment of food vendors to satisfy your hunger. I would suggest checking out The Jerky Hut as their jerked meats pair nicely with most brews. Plus, if you’re looking to try something not of the normal beef, pork chicken, you can sample items such as gator, kangaroo, or venison. I love that gator meat! And if you’re looking for something to appease your sweet tooth, give Bang Cookies a try – trust me, you will not be disappointed!
Now, if you’d like to enhance your NYC Craft Beer Fest experience, then you’ll want to upgrade to the VIP package, which has been expanded from previous events. Here’s a peek at what you can expect below.
Before NYC Craft Beer Festival, I was pretty much a newbie when it came to beers; all I ever knew was Coors, Budweiser, or Corona. But that changed when my buddy invited me out for my first beer fest. And it has definitely opened up my world and my palate to new taste experiences. So, if you happen to be in town or from the neighborhood and you’re looking to expand your mind of all things craft beers, then the NYC Craft Beer Festival on April 20th and 21st, 2018 at the Metropolitan Pavilion is one event you’ll definitely want to experience.