Hey folks, Valkor here. If you happen to catch our WonderCon PerfectView,
we were trying something new here at TOV; Video. Or to put it
more precisely: Video Editing. I never knew that Window’s
MovieMaker, while very simple is also quite a powerful video editing
tool. Now stepping up to bat is CyberLink and there more advanced
and even more powerful video editor, Power Director. Can it past
Val-cave testing? Read on and find out.
Power Director isn’t just a video editor, it’s also meant for DVD authoring. As in using video you already have, edit it and then burn it on a DVD. It sounds quite simple, but there is actually a learning curve especially if you’ve never used video editing software or have only used MovieMaker. But honestly, once you get used to the features you have to play with, you will breeze through your video and have it completed in no time. So let’s talk about some of these features shall we? Or let’s talk about some of my favorite features.
First there’s the “Title Room”,
which triple ups MovieMaker by not only giving you such options
of just typing in your text, but also editing the background with
a preset or using your own images. I like the fact that you can
switch out the background and use your own images. What the Title
Room actually needs is solid colors, which CL should consider
in the next version. I mean an image works, but sometimes a solid
works just as good. There are several themes in the Title Room,
to really customize that opening. You get

Next feature is the subtitles. Now how cool is that to be able to add subs to a video, especially with us TOV jokers around. I can add my own pop up notes to video, especially when Necross starts providing vids to TOV, I KNOW I’ll have jokes then. Heheheh just kidding dude. Not only that but if you go to another country and your recording video with people speaking there native language and you understand it, then by all means you now have that option.
But the best feature and by far I mean THE BEST feature this piece of software has going for it, is “The Magic Movie Wizard”. Now if you’re a lazy schmoe like myself, this feature will be your saving grace. What you see below is part of the raw footage of my PerfectView interview with Ashley, edited entirely by the Magic Movie Wizard. It added the opening, the ending, the effects and all, and it did it so well that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to reach such greatness. All you have to do is supply the video, supply the music, select an option here and there and Voila! It’s done. Check it out below this paragraph.
Now actual video editing is just as easy as if you were doing it with MovieMaker, but again PD one ups it. So now you’re not just editing the video, but you can add cool effects and animation as well. You can clip it so you can take out some of those embarrassing scenes, or add music video style effects to it. Also you can add music and even, and I’ll be damned, you can add picture in a picture. How cool is that!!?
What didn’t I like about the software? Well there is the one feature mentioned above about the solids in the background, but anything else I say about it is too nitpicky, and honestly I’m still learning all there is to know about Power Director. And that’s not a bad thing because each time I use it I discover “Hey I didn’t know I could do that!!”
Basically what I discuss in this review is merely the tip of the iceberg, because there are TONS of other options you can play with. So folks, you can now have video your way however way you like it with Power Director from CyberLink. For beginners, it’s gonna take some getting used to, but once you get past that learning curve you’ll be able to create your videos that looks like a professional did it. I’m gonna give CyberLink’s Power Director a Perfect score, and not only that but most, if not all future TOV video will be edited in Power Director. CyberLink’s Power Director has been Valkor tested and TOV approved!!